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'베트남 국제학교'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2010.01.27 호치민 한국학교 국제학교 이야기
2010. 1. 27. 17:54 Vietnam/일상정보
올해 딸아이가  7살이 되어서 어느덧 학교 들어갈 준비를 해야 될거 같아요.
내가 살고 있는 호치민에는 다행히 한국 학교도 있고 외국인 학교도 있는데 이번에 알아본바에 의하면 다음과 같습니다.

-홈페이지 : http://kshcm.net
-주소 : S3, Saigon South Tan Phu Ward, Dist 7. HCMC, VietNam
-장점 : 학비가 저렴하다 (한국에서는 중학교까지 무상교육인데 베트남은 돈을 내야 되네.쩝)
-단점 : 해외에 살면 외국어 공부가 장점인데 한국학교니 웬지 찜찜.
구분 입학시기   입학금 수업료/월  비고 
 유치원  수시 500불 180불   
 초등학교 학기초 및 지정일  1,000불  180불   
 중학교  학기초 및 지정일 1,000불  220불   
 고등학교  학기초 및 지정일 1,000불  250불   
-스쿨버스/학교급식/교복 별도

2.SSIS (Saigon South International Schol)
- 홈페이지 : http://www.ssis.edu.vn/
- 주소 : Nguyen Van Linh Parkway, Tan Phong Ward, District 7, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam 
- 장점 : 집에서 가깝다. 
- 단점 : 무지 비싸다.결정적으로 지금 자리가 없다. 즉, 기약없이 waiting을 해야 한다.
- 학비
FEES non-refundable

Option 1:
Fees & Tuition

Application Fee
Due w/Application
Enrollment Fee / Deposit - Due at Acceptance of Due April 11
Capital Assessment Fee 
Due Aug. 1
1st Quarter
Due Aug. 1
2nd Quarter
Due Oct. 16
3rd Quarter
Due Dec. 25
4th Quarter
Due Mar. 19
EC 3 - 4
Grade 1 - 5
Grade 6 - 8
Grade 9 - 10
Grade 11 - 12

FEES non-refundable

Option 2:
Fees & Tuition

Application Fee
Due w/Application
Enrollment Fee / Deposit - Due at Acceptance of Due April 11
Capital Assessment Fee 
Due Aug. 1
1st Quarter 
Due Aug. 1
2nd Quarter
Due Oct. 16
3rd Quarter
Due Dec. 25
4th Quarter
Due Mar. 19
EC 3 - 4
Grade 1 - 5
Grade 6 - 8
Grade 9 - 10
Grade 11 - 12

Application Fee: $300 USD per student (non-refundable)
This is a one-time fee payable when the application form is submitted. This fee covers all administrative costs and admission and placement testing charges.

Annual Capital Assessment Fee: $2,000 USD per student (non-refundable)
This fee funds capital investment in the school facilities and equipment and is due on August 1.

Enrollment Fee: $1,000 USD per student (credited toward tuition)
An Enrollment Fee of $1,000 USD must be paid immediately upon acceptance to guarantee a place in school for the following school year or semester. This payment is applied toward first tuition payment.

3.ABCIS(The ABC International School)
-홈페이지 : http://www.theabcis.com/
-주소 : 2 1E Street, Khu Dan Cu Trung Son, Binh Hung, Binh Chanh District, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
-장점 :즉시 입학가능. 학비가 약간 저렴한듯 싶네요
-단점: 글쌔요. 주변에서 평이 좀 엇갈리네요. 좋다는 사람도 있고 별로라는 사람도 있고..
Annual Instalment (x3)
Playgroup Half day 01/09/06 – 31/08/07 500 3,000 1,100
Playgroup Full day 01/09/06 – 31/08/07 500 4,750 1,740
Nursery Half day 01/09/05 – 31/08/06 500 3,200 1,170
Nursery Full day 01/09/05 – 31/08/06 500 5,000 1,830
Reception 01/09/04 – 31/08/05 900 6,000 2,200
Year 1 01/09/03 – 31/08/04 900 8,000 2,930
Year 2 01/09/02 – 31/08/03 900 8,000 2,930
Year 3 01/09/01 – 31/08/02 900 9,000 3,300
Year 4 01/09/00 – 31/08/01 900 9,000 3,300
Year 5 01/09/99 – 31/08/00 900 9,000 3,300
Year 6 01/09/98 – 31/08/99 900 9,000 3,300
Year 7 01/09/97 – 31/08/98 1,200 10,000 3,660
Year 8 01/09/96 – 31/08/97 1,200 10,000 3,660
Year 9 01/09/95 – 31/08/96 1,200 10,000 3,660
Year 10 01/09/94 – 31/08/95 1,200 11,000 4,030
Year 11 01/09/93 – 31/08/94 1,200 11,000 4,030
Year 12 01/09/92 – 31/08/93 1,200 11,500 4,210
Year 13 01/09/91 – 31/08/92 1,200 11,500 4,210


The Registration Fee is non-refundable and is payable when an offer of a place is made by the school management. Payment of the registration fee assures the student of a place at our school. The Registration Fee is paid once only, but is upgraded throughout the student’s time at the school. Those students moving to a higher year group will need to make up the difference in registration fee over the years. For example, when a child moves from Nursery into Reception, an extra US$400 must be paid (US$900 - 500 = US$400).

4.BIS(British International School)
- 주소 : 246 Nguyen Van Huong Street, District 2, Ho Chi Minh City
- 장점 : 외국인 학교 냄새가 물씬 풍기는듯...
- 단점 : 학비 만만치 않네요. 2군에 위치하고 있어 집도 이사가야 하는데 2군이 집값이 비싸서시리..
- 학비 : pdf파일로 되어 있어서 옮기기가 쉽지 않네요. 여기서 확인해 보세요.

기타 비용은 아래와 같구요.
A non-refundable Application Fee of 150 USD is payable upon submission of an Admission Application Form to the school. This fee is to cover the administrative costs of processing the application.
A non-refundable Registration Fee of USD 2,000 is payable when the offer of a school place is accepted. The Registration Fee is paid only once and guarantees the place for the pupil. The acceptance of a school place is not confirmed until the Registration Fee has been paid. The Registration Fee for the foundation stage is 1,000 USD. When a child moves from the foundation stage to the primary school the difference in Registration Fee will be payable.

아~ 역시 국제학교는 학비가 비싸네요.
저는 돈이 별로 없으니 아마도 한국학교로 가야되지 않을까 싶네요.

돈을 많이 벌어야겠네요.
posted by 최고권력자